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Joint Conversations with friends
Time 4 Marijuana Parties
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

Time 4 Marijuana Parties

November 20, 2019

This is the November - December 2019 Network Program Guide for the Time 4 Hemp broadcasting network. In between the pages you will also find 2 free books and lots of FREE Marijuana Music for the holidays that you can download. Please share this with your friends.

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Have A Hempy Holidaze
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

Have A Hempy Holidaze

December 20, 2015

Dabbing seems to be the new holiday craze! With the Christmas season upon us, all of us at Joint Conversations would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe holiday. May it be filled with happiness, smiles and loved ones.

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What Makes Santa Fly
Casper Leitch Casper Leitch

What Makes Santa Fly

December 20, 2014

As a medical marijuana patient I have found that during my daily running around – there isn’t always a good vapor lounge for me to medicate in. There was a time when I could go to a local quiet park and take a stroll through it but even that is getting harder as the banning of smoking in local parks has set in.

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